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magyar angol német lengyel cseh szlovák
Pájer Kemping
The latest processing: 2023-03-28
Address 5500 Gyomaendrőd,
Templom zug

Region Southern Great Plain
Type waterside campsite
Mobile phone +36 30 96 72 741 +36 30 47 50 852
Fax +36 66 282 684
E-mail info@pajerkemping.hu psanyi74@gmail.com
Website http://www.pajerkemping.hu
Open 05.01- 08.31.
Class Nem minősített
Soil Grassy soil, flat surface
Character partly shaded
Room (head) 130
Full area (m2) 17500
Spoken language(s)
WIFI free
Unobstruction no



Health and hygiene equipment

Leisure and sport


Within the camp:

Outside of camp:

Salary opportunity cash, bankcard,

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